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 How to Get Rid of Dandruff on a Bald Head

How to Get Rid of Dandruff on a Bald Head

Dealing with dandruff can be an itchy and frustrating experience.

If you think that head shaving is a good way to treat dandruff, the answer might surprise you.

Join me as we dig deep into the nitty gritty of dandruff on a bald head and discover ways to treat the condition so you can say goodbye to these pesky white flakes.

What is Dandruff and What Causes It?

We may all know what dandruff looks like, even if we haven't experienced it.

Dandruff appears as dry white or gray scales on our scalps. What causes the overproduction of dead skin cells?


A yeast-like fungus named Malassezia is one of dandruff's main and most common causes.

Scalp irritation

Once your scalp gets irritated it may trigger dandruff. Be wary of things that may cause irritation like hair products, hot showers, pool chemicals, sunburn, and heat styling methods.


Studies have proven that stress can trigger certain skin conditions, including dandruff.

Low Humidity

If you notice that dandruff gets worse when there's low humidity it's because Malassezia loves moist environments.

Skin Conditions

Certain skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema can also lead to dandruff.

Can Bald Heads Get Dandruff?

Some experts say you can, while some say you can't. Our research shows bald heads being immune to dandruff is a misconception.

Let's look at both sides of the argument.

Argument #1: "Bald heads can't get dandruff."

Some experts say that a bald head can't get dandruff. If we see flakes on our heads, they argue that they aren't dandruff but dry skin that peels off and flakes.

The line of thinking is that once hair is out of the equation, hair-related problems cease. The problem with this statement is that dandruff is not a hair-related issue but a scalp issue.

Another reason for this argument is that dandruff-causing fungus thrives when you have hair. Not having hair means the right environment for dandruff to form isn't present.

Malassezia Globosa thrives in hot and humid environments, which is the case if we have a full head of hair. Bald heads are cooler by 2 to 4 degrees, and there's less to no humidity for the fungus to multiply. This different environment eliminates the spread of the fungus on the scalp.

Not having hair also means there's no place for dandruff to live in. Head shaving eliminates the environment where dandruff forms.

If you're bald with an itchy scalp, the proponents of this argument say that it's just dry skin or another condition called psoriasis. Psoriasis is a genetic condition that causes flaking in various parts of our bodies.

Argument # 2: "Bald heads can get dandruff in rare instances."

Other experts say that the causes of dandruff are the same whether you have hair or not.

Bald heads can get dandruff but in rare instances. One of these occurrences is when you have extremely dry skin. Shaving your head regularly can cause skin dryness, especially if you fail to moisturize after shaving.

Oily skin is another leading cause of dandruff; it doesn't matter if you are bald. This means that baldies with oily skin or excess sebum production may develop dandruff symptoms depending on whether you cleanse your scalp enough.

Dandruff can also thrive during winter or if you live in a dry and humid climate. In some cases, extreme heat may also trigger dandruff as your skin dries out.

If this happens, don't worry; you can treat this condition.

What Does Dandruff Look Like on a Bald Head?

A shaved head with tiny gray or white snowflakes invading the scalp is what you'll notice when you have dandruff on your bald head. These flakes appear quite the same way, even if you have a full head of hair.

The most common dandruff symptoms are flakes, scalp irritation, and an itch that won't quit.

A full head of hair may conceal dandruff, but a shaved head makes it more visible, which is embarrassing for most baldies.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff on a Bald Head

While dandruff isn't contagious or harmful, it can be embarrassing if left untreated.

If you notice dandruff and excess dried skin peels on your shaved scalp, here are ways to treat it.

Use Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

An anti-dandruff shampoo is one of the best solutions for removing excessive dead skin. These shampoos are specifically formulated to remove excess dead skin cells on our scalps. Look for ingredients like selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, or zinc pyrithione, which work against dandruff.


Refreshing Scalp Moisturizer

Extremely dry skin is a breeding ground for dandruff, so we must moisturize our scalps, especially after shaving. Shaving can be harsh on our scalps and may cause dryness, especially if you have a sensitive scalp. A moisturizer designed for bald heads with sensitive skin would help prevent dryness. Look for ingredients like aloe vera and jojoba oil that keep a shaved head happy and hydrated.

Drink plenty of water

A Man Drinking Water from a Water Bottle in a Beach

Drinking plenty of water helps hydrate your skin and prevent excessive skin dryness. This is crucial, especially during the summer months.

Scalp massages

A man is getting a scalp massage

A scalp massage feels great and can help improve blood circulation. Dandruff may be caused by poor blood flow. A good massage can improve your scalp's condition.

Head Shaving

A man shaving his head using a head shaver in a car

If you shave your head, you remove the specific environment where dandruff multiplies. This lowers the chances of a bald person getting dandruff. Baldies have dealt with the hassle of dandruff through head shaving. The FlexSeries from Freebird is an amazing electric shaver that you can use for a clean, dandruff-free scalp.

FlexSeries Shaving Kit Banner

The Bottom Line

Now that we've debunked the myth that bald heads can't get dandruff, we can now focus on treatment and how to deal with the condition.

If you've chosen a shaved hairstyle and experienced dandruff, taking action immediately is essential. To remove excess dead skin cells and other irritating substances from your scalp, apply what we've shared and bid farewell to the snowfall on your scalp.

A flake-free scalp isn't just about looking good. It's also about getting relief from itching and stubborn flakes.

If you're unsure of the cause of your flaking and inflammation, consult a dermatologist who can diagnose and recommend the most effective treatment for your scalp.


 Image  Freebird headcare tools: electric shaver, attachments, shave gel, and lotion. Shop Now button on the left.

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