How to Get Rid of Bald Spots and Regain Your Confidence
November 14, 2024 • 7 min read
Waking up to bald spots can be a disheartening experience, akin to having a miniature solar system on your head. Think of each hairless spot as a planet that has decided to take a permanent vacation, leaving you with a visible reminder of your hair loss every day.
Dealing with bald spots is an experience I've personally navigated. The stress of wondering how to face the world without drawing attention to these hairless patches is a common struggle. But here's the good news-there are effective ways to manage these spots and regain your confidence.
Join me as we discuss simple hacks to help banish bald spots once and for all.
Let's get started!
What Causes Bald Spots?
Before we jump into eliminating those pesky bald spots, we need to find out the causes to help us apply the right solution. The most common causes of bald spots are male pattern baldness, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium.
Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness, a condition I share with many, is a common experience. It's like we're all part of a community, with two-thirds of American males experiencing pattern hair loss by the age of 35, according to the American Hair Loss Association.
Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease with a nickname spot baldness, a condition where your immune system attacks your hair follicles. Those who develop alopecia areata experience small, patchy hair loss. The result? Coin-sized bald spots on your head and other body parts.
The condition is usually temporary. Hair may grow back once the "trigger" or underlying cause is treated. I remember getting an alopecia areata diagnosis when I was younger. Male pattern baldness wasn't evident then, but I had many coin-sized bald spots on my head. My mom took me to her dermatologist, and she gave me corticosteroids to apply to my bald patches. After a few weeks, they were gone like magic! The hair lotion the derma gave me helped regrow hair on my small patches.
I never encountered alopecia areata again; when I hit my late 30s, male pattern baldness started rearing its ugly head.
People with alopecia areata can get either of the two versions: alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. The former makes you lose your hair on your entire scalp, while the latter on your entire scalp and body.
Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is temporary hair loss caused by stress, illness, or trauma. Think of it as your body saying, "Hey, it's time to chill out!"
Like alopecia areata, hair may grow back once you treat the cause.
How to Deal with Bald Spots: Top Treatments and Solutions
Having bald spots can be embarrassing. But don't worry; we'll discuss your options for dealing with them permanently.
The Best Solution for Bald Spots: Shave Your Head

Shaving your head is the best solution to bald spots, regardless of the cause. Whether it's alopecia areata, permanent hair loss, or hereditary hair loss, it doesn't matter. A head shave can beat them permanently. You don't need to worry about further hair loss, hair growth, thinning hair, or a receding hairline. It's a confident and effective solution.
Shaving not only eliminates the worry of hair loss, but it also enhances your appearance, making you look younger and better than balding. Why hide hair loss? Own it!
Now that you've embraced your baldness, it's time to focus on self-care and grooming, learning all about shaving and investing in the right tools and scalp care products.
If you prefer to DIY over going to a barber, you'll need a reliable head shaver like Freebird's FlexSeries Pro.
I own the original FlexSeries, and it gets the job done, but the Pro is on a different level.

It features upgrades like:
A travel lock (no one wants their shaver going rogue in the travel bag)
A smart adaptive 8500 RPM motor (adjusts speed based on hair density)
Enhanced four-blade design with independent foils
Larger hair capture chamber (for longer shaves between clean-ups)
Two-part blade system for easier cleaning
Three-level LED battery indicator
Anti-slip coating and rubber grips
IPX7 waterproofing (for shaving in the shower)
You'll also get $60 worth of freebies:
Upgraded Precision Clipper
3, 5, 7mm Safety Guards
Advanced Nose & Ear Trimmer
Micro Cleaning Brush
Buy for $ on the website or $ on Amazon.
Hair Transplant Surgery

If you have the money and don't mind invasive surgery, a hair transplant is a good option. It's like playing musical chairs but with hair follicles!
A transplant involves taking hair follicles from a donor site (usually from the back of your head) and relocating them to bald patches. For advanced hair loss, it may take multiple sessions, which may be costly and painful. The recovery process can also take several weeks, and there are potential risks such as infection and scarring. However, once the transplanted hair grows, it's a permanent solution for hair loss.
Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation is another option that's non-invasive and less painful. Special pigments are used to replicate the appearance of hair follicles on the scalp. It's a quick solution where results are instantly noticeable. If male pattern baldness is severe, this is a popular choice as it effectively hides hair loss and thinning hair. How much does it cost? Click on the link to read our guide on SMP pricing.
Hair Styles

If your bald spots are manageable, you can experiment with various hairstyles to conceal them. Certain hairstyles can draw attention away from your thinning hair and highlight your other features.
Here's a list of hairstyles you can consider and ask your favorite barber or hairstylist to do for you. They can also tell you which style fits your hair type and balding pattern.
Slicked Back and Faded Style
Push Forward Crop
The Bro Flow
Top Knot
Short and Messy
Short Caesar
Roger Sterling
Once hair loss worsens, combovers won't work. It will only make you look older and untidy. Shaving or buzzing your hair are good hairstyle options in this situation.
Hair Thickening Sprays

Hair thickening sprays are good at creating an illusion of thick hair. As you spray it on, each hair strand is coated with polymers that mask your hair thinning. However, these sprays are a temporary solution and may not be suitable for all hair types. It's a quick, easy, and effective treatment for enhancing your appearance, but it's important to understand its limitations.
Wear a Wig

If you prefer not to shave or undergo surgery, wigs offer a versatile solution for hair loss.
Wigs are artificial hairpieces that can cover your receding hairline and give you an entirely new look. You can choose from various styles, lengths, and colors. Wearing a wig has the same effect in restoring confidence and self-esteem for those not open to shaving.
Choose one that fits and matches your natural hair color. Remember, regular maintenance is needed to keep your wigs looking fresh. One more thing: You should learn how to avoid wig slippage on windy days, which can be embarrassing if you're completely bald.
The Bottom Line
Every baldies journey with hair loss is unique. Having bald spots can be challenging, but with the right solutions, like those we shared, you can regain your confidence and deal with those pesky spots.
From surgical procedures to non-invasive techniques, there's something for everyone - don't let baldness steal your shine!
Is it Possible to Regrow hair on a Bald Spot?
Yes, hair regrowth is possible on a bald spot, but it depends on the cause. If hair loss is temporary, then you have a huge chance for hair growth, but if hair loss is permanent, like male pattern baldness, you're better off shaving or buzzing your head.
Can Bald Spots Go Away?
As we said, bald patches can go away on their own if they are temporary. To hasten regrowing hair, you can treat your hair loss with minoxidil or finasteride, which are proven to work but with potential side effects like unwanted hair growth (hello, new mustache!). Here are the most effective treatment options for hair loss we've compiled for you.
If you don't want side effects like me, try other natural treatments for sudden hair loss.
Can Stress Cause Bald Spots?
Yes, stress can contribute to bald spots. One of telogen effluvium causes is stress-related. Managing stress through meditation, exercise, and getting scalp massages (which we'll talk about later) helps in preventing hair loss.
How Do You Stop Bald Spots from Forming?
If someone knew how to reverse hair loss or stop bald spots from forming, he'd be richer than Elon Musk! With 53% of men experiencing male pattern baldness between 40 and 49, imagine how much money one can make by preventing hair loss.
While we can't stop them completely, we can treat and hide them effectively, as shown in this guide.
Should I Cut My Hair if I Have a Bald Spot?
You should give it a shot! We've recommended hairstyles, and you can tell your barber or hairstylist about them. Shorter hairstyles help mask hair loss and make them less noticeable. You can try different styling techniques to cover up those bald areas if you have longer locks.
Does Scalp Massage Help Reduce Bald Spots?
Yes, scalp massages can help improve blood flow to our scalps, stimulating hair growth. Plus, they feel amazing—like a mini spa day right at home! Just make sure not to overdo it; we're trying to stimulate hair growth, not turn your scalp into a wrestling ring.
Not convinced?
A study shows that 4 minutes of scalp massages daily for 24 weeks can increase hair thickness.
Is It Normal to Lose Hair?
Absolutely! Losing 50 to 100 hairs a day is considered normal. Hair goes through cycles, and shedding is just part of the process. If you notice excessive hair loss forming rapidly, it might be time to consult a professional.