What I Wish I Knew Before Shaving My Head - According to Baldies
November 13, 2024 • 5 min read
Are you balding and thinking about shaving your head? Before taking the plunge, why don't you listen to those who've shaved it off?
We talked to a bunch of bald people and asked them "What do you wish you knew before you shaved your head?" Here's what they had to say:
The Things Baldies Wished They Knew Before Shaving Their Head
"How important sunscreen would be."

For bald newbies, one of the most vital things you should know when you start shaving your head is to USE SUNSCREEN!
You wouldn't want to experience what User NoVermicelli6160 experienced as he was diagnosed with actinic keratosis caused by sun damage.
Skin cancer is no joke. Baldies are more prone since our scalps are more exposed to the sun.
Read our article on how to protect your scalp from harmful UV rays.
"That my head would get cold."

User sphen_lee was surprised at how much colder his head was.
Your best bet is a comfortable beanie or some other winter hat (you can pick from our list of the best ones for baldies) to add to your wardrobe.
"How important it is to take your time. Those head nicks bleed a lot."
If you choose to shave using a manual razor like User thepottsy. Nicks that bleed a lot may be part of the learning curve.
Taking time while shaving is essential to avoid those nasty nicks and cuts.
Nothing beats the closeness of a manual razor, and the best way to avoid your bathroom becoming like a crime scene, as User Party Coach 4110 shared, is learning more about the right way to shave.
If you're tired of nicks and cuts and don't, going electric is your best bet. Choose from the best shavers for bald heads.
You can't go wrong with Freebirds' FlexSeries shaving kit. You'll get zero nicks and cuts and get a close shave all in just 90 seconds!

"If I would have known how good it feels to shave it all off, I would have done it years ago."

I totally agree with this statement by User ryanleftonreddit. Most of the baldies on the thread share the same sentiment.
In my case, I didn't shave right away. I decided to research hair growth products like crazy, only to discover that they don't work and that male pattern baldness is the reigning undefeated champ (no cure yet) for hair loss.
After spending money on products that didn't work or gave minimal results, I finally decided to shave my head. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Some baldies agreed, like User Dturmnd1, who said he should have done it sooner if he knew how great it would look.
User Fun-Classroom posted, "I wish I had done it sooner."
If you're still undecided on whether to shave it all off, you can read our article on should I shave my head? to help you decide.
If you know someone stressed out and has lost their confidence due to hair loss, it might be time to tell them to shave. Learn how to tell them by reading our article here.
"Bald looks a hundred times better than balding."

Have you tried watching videos on YouTube where they show balding men finally deciding to shave? Did you notice that the majority, if not all, of those who shaved, looked way better than they were balding?
Now that you've decided to join the head-shaving club. Next, you need to learn how to confidently rock your bald head.
"Lubrication is the most important part of shaving..."

I love this post from User bald_alt, and what he said about lubrication is a basic part of a bald man's shaving routine.
Here's the lubrication routine every bald man should follow:
For Pre-shave:
exfoliating scrub
shaving cream or gel
For Post-shave
For the ultimate shaving experience, you should invest in these lubrication must-haves. We've made things easier for you by listing the best among them in our articles on exfoliators, shaving creams, moisturizers, aftershaves and sunscreens.

"Hair grows fast; you must shave regularly for a clean look."

After shaving, you'll notice that hair grows back quickly. Some baldies shave daily to maintain a clean-shaven look, while others shave twice a week.
If you're like me with a stage 6 in the Norwood scale, a buzz cut will make your U-shape or what I call the McDonald's logo more prominent, especially when your hair grows longer.

This is why a close shave with an electric razor is my choice. I don't like how the back side of my head looks with that horseshoe sticking out like a sore thumb.
Electric razors help a lot since you can shave quickly; 90 seconds, and you're done.
"Shaved heads aren't maintenance-free."

You may have thought that a shaved head requires less maintenance than when you had hair. That may be true since shaving means you don't have to style and spend on hair products, but bald head maintenance also requires other stuff.
This includes investing in razors or electric shavers, blade replacements, plus everything we mentioned in the lubrication topic above.
If you're like me and spend tons on hair growth products that don't work, then that's another thing you can cross out from your grooming maintenance tasks and costs.
"Not everyone will respond positively to your new look."

Not all will respond well to your freshly shaved head, even if you look like a thousand bucks rocking your new look. That's normal. Some people are biased toward baldies and will also comment negatively no matter what you do.
Don't sweat it. It's not about them anyway. It's about you and your newfound freedom from hair loss stress.
"If you have any regrets, don't worry; your hair (or what's left of it) will grow back."

Head shaving is a big decision. Don't worry if you decide to jump the gun and realize it doesn't suit you, don't worry. Your hair will grow back.
Shaving won't affect your current hair condition in any way. If you were balding, it wouldn't be any different after shaving.
If you need help deciding whether to shave or revert to your original condition, why don't you ask those close to you what they think of your new look?
You might be surprised at how many compliments and positive feedback you'll receive after shaving your head.
The Bottom Line
Now that you've heard it straight from baldies, you can apply the things you learned that are essential to your new lifestyle.
Remember the basics. Investing in a good razor and the best tools for your shaving routine will help you start your bald head journey on the right foot.
Are you ready to level up your shaving game? The FlexSeries Shaving Kit is waving at you!